Cambridge Research Assistant (2015-2016)
- BSc Hons Natural Sciences (Zoology) – University of Cambridge
After a brief stint of camera-trapping fieldwork in Mongolia after I graduated, I came to the project as a volunteer for a year in Sept 2014. I’ve stayed on for another year to work as the research assistant for the Cambridge postdocs. Mostly my job involves a mix of fieldwork (particularly habitation and leading captures), lab work & sample management, and database-mining for the postdocs. The specialist skills I’ve developed in extraction and analysis of data from our database are also useful in my other role as support for volunteers working on their own analysis projects. The best part of my job is the variety: performing x-ray and ultrasound scans in the field, chipping samples out of freezers with a chisel, writing queries to calculate meerkat matrilines… it’s all in a day’s work!