We take applications on a rolling basis as positions become available. Please contact us if you are interested in applying!
Applications of international volunteers are possible.
Enquiries and application
All applicants should provide a single PDF document containing their CV and a relevant covering letter detailing their experience and interest for the position, titled as their Surname_FirstName.pdf. Send your application to the Kalahari Meerkat Project Managers at- meerkat.volunteers (at) gmail.com. Further details on the volunteer positions, life at the Kalahari Research Centre (KRC), frequently asked questions, and the contact details for each project to submit your application to or ask pre-application enquiries can be found here: https://kalahariresearchcentre.org/volunteering/.”
New applicants and prospective volunteers
We accept all applications of those that are already based in South African, and those coming from abroad, we encourage any interested parties that would like to work on the Meerkat, or Cape Ground Squirrel project to get in touch, using the contact details below.
New volunteers arriving on site
If an applicant is offered a position, we will coordinate transport across country to our field station in the Northern Cape.
With kind regards,
All staff connected to the Kalahari Research Centre
Please read our FAQ information before making your application – click here.
For informal pre-application enquiries concerning questions not covered in our FAQ information, please contact us via the form here.