Will I need special equipment?

Successful applicants will be given a list of things we recommend they bring to the project and although no special equipment will be necessary, volunteers should bring a good pair of (minimum) 10×32 binoculars to aid observations in the field. Sometimes, we will ask UK residents if they could take…


What about vegetarians?

Vegetarians  and  other  dietary  requirements  (lactose  intolerance  and  vegans,  for  example)  are accommodated at the KMP, but keep in mind this is a remote field site, so you may not be able to eat exactly as you would in the comfort of your own home.


What is the application process?

The application process is described here. Unfortunately, we are only able to take volunteers who have a valid driving licence. Please note that we may ask successful volunteers who are UK or Swiss residents to carry field equipment to the site when they go.


Do I need special qualifications to apply?

There are no ‘special’ qualifications that are necessary to apply for a position. However, many applicants have completed an undergraduate degree in a relevant field (such as Biology, Zoology, Conservation, or Psychology), but this is not a prerequisite. Most successful applicants have some fieldwork experience, but again, this is not…


How much will it cost me?

Although volunteers are unpaid, we provide accommodation and food at our study site and give a stipend of about 550 South African rand per month. The stipend is generally enough to cover personal internet use, mobile phone credit, and buying special food items for yourself (e.g. chocolate), though we recommend…


What will I get out of volunteering?

The KMP volunteer work is quite varied and volunteers learn numerous different skills including the collection of behavioural data, animal handling, habituation and radio-tracking. Please note that this is not a conservation project and you will not acquire skills in conservation management, although individuals interested in pursuing a career in…
